Alexa have changed their ranking system a few days ago. But there are some problems associated with this newly introduced technique.
I am using alexa ranking since January 2008. After a month my alexa rank seems to change a lot. Recently I’ve got 8L ranking level. At that time the previous and old ranking system was still running. The reasons behind this change were increasing page views and visitors.
Entrecard helped me a lot to improve the alexa ranking.
But after developing of new Alexa ranking system my site’s Alexa remains unchanged !
So what’s wrong with me? Now a days I’m getting more page views and traffic but these do not effect the Alexa. There is no change in Alexa for this month. What is the reason behind this?
Now the conclusion is the previous tricks will not work further. We have to think about some alternatives. Let’s make experiments to improve Alexa.
If anyone finds a solution let me know.
Thanks for reading.